Sattva descreen
Sattva descreen

sattva descreen

When descreening colour printed images you need an additional The screen removing controls are described Left: the original scanned printed image (included in Removed completely if lower the image will lose sharpness. If you enter screenįrequency higher than its actual value, the screen will be reduced but not Screen frequency manually by the Screen slider. Plug-in calculates screen frequency automatically, but sometimes (e.g., ifĪn image has no distinct screen) it fails to do so. To remove the screen, you have to specify screen frequency on the Screen slider (see Picture 1).


Properly scanned, as explained in How to Scan Printed Originals, for descreening to be successful. REFERENCE GUIDEĭescreening consists of two operations: 1) Screen removing 2) Reducing the halftone moiré pattern (in printed colour images). Key terms ( screen, colour printing and halftone moiré pattern) are given in the Glossary. If you will need more information please read the rest of the User Guide. See How to Scan Printed Originals.Įmpirically. If the filter still does not work, the most probable reason Use the Automatic mode (see Example 1) or If screenĪngle or screen frequency are not specified, the OK button remains unavailable. Screen frequency should be measured first, then the screen angle. If the plug-in fails toĬalculate screen angle, change the Preview area and click the Screen Angle Measureīutton. The Preview area and click the Screen Measure button. If the plug-in fails to calculate screen frequency, change If the image was scanned properly and hasĪ distinct screen, the plug-in will calculate screen frequency and screenĪngle of the image. If using JPEG, choose the best quality setting or minimal compression. Save the scanned image before descreening, use the TIFF format rather than JPEG.

sattva descreen

The image should be scanned without scaling (i.e. If your scanner has Descreen or Sharpen options, disable It is important to use the scan resolution from the The plug-in willĬalculate the screen frequency and the screen angles over the part of the image Screen slider to perform a calculation the screen frequency. Change the preview area so that it is filled with the Descreening with a screen frequencyĭeselect Automatic. However, the Automatic modeĭoes not produce the best possible results for colour images. Plug-in automatically calculates the all settings. Launch Descreen (choose Sattva > Descreen from the Filter menu). The legends on untitled buttons are displayedĮxamples in this section show how to use the plug-in. Reducing a halftone moiré pattern in colourĪfter the installation the Descreen filter will available as Prevents moiré patterns and consists of two operations: It also can be used for descreening halftone films. This plug-in filter is used for descreening images that haveīeen scanned from a previously printed source (such as a newspaper, magazine, book,

sattva descreen


Photoshop ® (Windows and Mac OS) About the Plug-in Descreen plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, Home edition - User Guide Descreen 5.1 Home Edition plug-in for Adobe ®

Sattva descreen